Taiko x Blues: Nagata Shachu, Ken Yoshioka and Julian Fauth

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Performing Arts

Mar 201824
8:00p.m. - 10:00p.m.

Harbourfront Centre
235 Queen’s Quay West

Toronto, Ontario, M5J 2G8

In the second concert of their 19th annual season, Canada’s pre-eminent taiko group Nagata Shachu cross boundaries with a genre-bending new collaboration featuring Toronto blues artists Ken Yoshioka (harmonica and guitar) and multi-Juno Award winner Julian Fauth (keyboards and vocals) at the Brigantine Room, Harbourfront Centre on Saturday, March 24!

While taiko drumming and the Blues could not seem more different on the surface, both are musical genres strongly rooted in rhythm.

Juno award winner Julian Fauth is a piano player and singer, whose style is based on the tradition of pre-war barrelhouse blues and boogie woogie, with infusions of gospel and jazz.

Originally from Kamakura, Japan, Ken Yoshioka started his career as a harmonica player, but also later evolved into an acclaimed singer, fingerpicking guitarist and composer.


Taiko master and artistic director Kiyoshi Nagata states, “Although Nagata Shachu has worked with a variety of artists over the years, this is the first collaboration with blues musicians. From our very first rehearsal with Ken and Julian, we knew that this combination was a perfect marriage of rhythm and soul.”

Ken Yoshioka says, “I am really excited about this project. We are going to experience a deep-fried catfish and sushi mash-up of music in this multicultural city.”

Julian Fauth states, “I'm also very excited and honoured to provide a dollop of sour cream to our musical gumbo.”


Tickets: Regular; $30. Student/Senior; $20.

Online; http://www.harbourfrontcentre.com/whatson/today.cfm?id=9657&festival_id=0.

Phone; 416-973-4000, press 1.

In person; Harbourfront box office, 235 Queen’s Quay West, Toronto, ON, M5J 2G8.


Julian Fauth; https://youtu.be/UE4VYYopMCM.

Ken Yoshioka; https://youtu.be/0_qnMtAiRFc.

Nagata Shachu members performing in this concert are Kiyoshi Nagata (master soloist, taiko, shinobue/flute), Aki Takahashi (taiko, shamisen, vocals), Tony Nguyen (taiko), Jason Huang (taiko) and Naoya Kobayashi (taiko).

Nagata Shachu has toured extensively and played rare and unusual collaborations with artists including the Toronto Arts Foundation’s Arts in the Parks initiative, world/roots ensemble DRUMHAND, Japan’s acclaimed taiko, kokyu and shinobue virtuoso Shogo Yoshii (formerly of Kodo drummers), Juno nominated Toronto Tabla Ensemble and most recently the founding member and principal dancer of Japan’s Kodo drummers, Chieko Kojima. Nagata Shachu has previously released six CDs of original music (latest; Hymus Road, 2013), and four DVDs (latest; Toronto Taiko Tales, 2017).

Kiyoshi Nagata is Canada’s pre-eminent taiko soloist, whose career spans over three decades. His principal studies were with ‘Kodo’ in Japan and Daihachi Oguchi (artistic director of Suwa Daiko). In 1998, he founded Nagata Shachu. He also teaches at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Music and at the Royal Conservatory of Music.


Since forming in 1998 and while rooted in the folk drumming traditions of Japan, Nagata Shachu's principal aim is to rejuvenate this ancient art form by producing innovative and exciting music (through concerts and workshops) that speaks to today’s audience and creates a new voice for the Taiko. Taking its name from founder Kiyoshi Nagata and ‘shachu’ (old term for a performing troupe), Nagata Shachu has toured throughout Canada, the USA and Europe.




getthemessagepr . Atualizado em Mar 06, 2018 1:04 p.m.


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