Celebrate 120 Years of History of the Seattle Japanese Language School! | Speaker Series

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Jul 202215
7:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

In July of 2022, the Speaker Series will be spotlighting the Seattle Japanese Language School (SJLS) as it celebrates its 120th anniversary! Formerly known as Kokugo Gakkō, the school was originally founded as a way for Nisei children of Issei immigrants to learn about Japanese language and culture. At this event, we’ll explore the storied legacy of the language school through historic photographs and memorabilia from our Northwest Nikkei Museum Collection. Did you know that the school was forced to cease operation during World War II? Did you know that the building served as temporary housing for the Nikkei community after the war? Learn about these historic events and so much more at this month’s Speaker Series!

 Register today!

(Registration will close at 5 pm (PT) on July 14, 2022)


About the Northwest Nikkei Museum Speaker Series

Learn about Japanese American history and community development through a new, monthly program with the Northwest Nikkei Museum(NNM)! We’ll cover a variety of topics and perspectives related to Japanese Americans in the Northwest and beyond, with a new speaker every third Friday of the month!


jcccwa . Atualizado em Jun 23, 2022 5:38 p.m.


Julho 2022


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