Descubra Nikkei

Visiting Hiroshima

I went to Hiroshima and I told my folks that I was going to go there before I came home. And so they sent me the address of my mother and father’s relatives. And I got to Hiroshima and before you come into Hiroshima, it’s just flat. I went there and I got off the train. And it was, there was no station. Nothing there. Just a place to stop. That was it. This was the Hiroshima station.

And when I was there, the Australian, the Australian forces had jurisdiction over Hiroshima. And he says, “Yes you can get out, walk around if you like.” He says, “We’re not going to come after you if it’s dark, so you’re out there alone.” So as soon as I get off, there was freshly built store out of wood, freshly built out of timber. Who would you think, I went over there to talk. Said, “Hello.” And the girl answered me in perfect English. She said, “Yes, I was in Tule Lake. I came back in Japan.” She said, “What is it you wanted to do?” I said, “I want to find my folks’ relatives.” She says, “The best thing you can do is, go around this here structure over here and there’s a police officer there.” So in a little - like a telephone - booth was a police officer. As soon as I showed him the address, he said, “There’s no such place out here any more.” And that was it, so I left.

Here’s the real start about the story is. Oh, it was within a month. The reception at our office building says, “Jimmy, there’s someone here looking for you.” “Alright. Bring them in the office.” Here comes this gentleman walking in. In everyday clothes. And he says, “I’m Tokutaro Fukuhara.” Oh my gosh. This is the man I was looking for! In Hiroshima. 

Hiroshima (cidade) Província de Hiroshima Japão

Data: February 6, 2015

Localização Geográfica: California, US

Entrevistado: John Esaki

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum


Jimmy Ko Fukuhara nasceu em 21 de setembro de 1921, em Los Angeles, Califórnia, de imigrantes japoneses, Ume e Ichisuke Fukuhara. Em 1927, seu pai levou a família para Santa Monica, Califórnia, e começou nos negócios de viveiro. Depois de graduar-se na Santa Monica High School, Jimmy trabalhou no viveiro até 1942, quando ele e sua família foram enviados para o campo de concentração de Manzanar.

Jimmy conseguiu deixar o campo de concentração cedo e mudou-se para a Pensilvânia com seu irmão mais novo, George. Em sessenta dias, Jimmy foi chamado para o serviço militar e ofereceu-se para servir na Escola de Inteligência Militar. Depois de passar pelo treinamento básico, Jimmy foi enviado para Tóquio, Japão. Lá, trabalhou para o Departamento do Trabalho no quartel-general do General MacArthur. Antes de deixar o Japão, ele visitou Hiroshima na esperança de contatar os parentes de seus pais. Após ser dispensado, Jimmy retornou à Santa Monica e aos negócios do viveiro da família. Jimmy continuou a trabalhar no viveiro com seus quatro irmãos até se aposentar em 1986. (Maio de 2016)

Willie Ito


(n. 1934) Artista premiado de animação da Disney, encarcerado em Topaz durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial

Sawako Ashizawa Uchimura
Uchimura,Sawako Ashizawa

Family was shipped back to Japan after the war

(n. 1938) Hikiagesha nascida nas Filipinas que mais tarde imigrou para os Estados Unidos.
