Descubra Nikkei

Part 4 of 5 – History is Lost: Joyce MacWilliamson


To this point, we have examined three exceptional figures from the Japanese American community with remarkable stories and records. However, the sad truth is that for every item that we can properly describe, there are countless others that we can’t.

In 1999, JANM received a curious donation offer from Ms. Joyce MacWilliamson of Beaverton, Oregon:

Joyce MacWilliamson’s father Ramon “Mac” MacWilliamson took temporary ownership of a shortwave radio belonging to the 17 year old son of a Japanese American acquaintance. Following the bombing of Pearl Harbor by Japan, such radios were immediately considered to be contraband for Japanese Americans, out of fear that they would be used as a method for relaying subversive information.

Mr. MacWilliamson, who owned a tobacco shop in the Bay Area, also had an interest in such radios, and gladly maintained possession of the radio with the intent on returning it to the Japanese American man following World War II and the resettlement of Japanese Americans back to the West Coast. Unfortunately, this Japanese American man—whose name has long since been forgotten—never returned to reclaim the radio.

Interestingly, Mr. MacWilliamson and his daughter Joyce kept hope alive that someday this beautiful 1939 Silvertone radio could be returned to its original owners. In fact, they even kept this radio in their possession over the course of seven residential moves. However, despite writing letters to more than 50 Japanese American organizations, Joyce MacWilliamson was unable to gain any further clues as to this mysterious Japanese American radio owner.

Gift of in Memory of Ramon MacWilliamson, Japanese American National Museum (2000.120.1)

As we can see, this radio remains in excellent condition, despite being over 70 years old. Anyone familiar with AM radio stations in the San Francisco Bay Area may also recognize some of the preset radio stations, including KSFO and KFRC.

While the radio was originally willed to be given to Joyce MacWilliamson’s two sons as a memorial keepsake of their grandfather, Ms. MacWilliamson instead chose to donate the item to JANM. In a letter to her sons explaining her decision, she writes:

“‘There is no virtue so truly great and godlike as justice’ is the quotation my father chose for his high school yearbook…Although he was powerless to prevent the wrong perpetrated against the Japanese-Americans, he never hesitated to tell others that it was unjust. I heard him argue about it with members of his own family who said that the camps were created for the protection of those who lived in them. Returning the radio cannot undo the harm that was done so many years ago, but it can demonstrate that at least one man cared enough to tell the story so that future generations would remember and not let it happen again.”

Ms. MacWilliamson also donated a family portrait that she came across and purchased at an antique store in Portland, Oregon. While the photo is dated March 26th, 1942, it is the opinion of some in the museum that it may have been taken as early as the 1930s due to the clothing and quality of the photo. The first names of all family members are recorded, however we have no idea which family this is. Ms. MacWilliamson purchased the photograph and included it as part of her donation since she didn’t believe it was “right to leave so personal an item to public view.”

Gift of in Memory of Ramon MacWilliamson, Japanese American National Museum (2000.120.1)

While the radio and the photograph are fascinating artifacts in their own right in the context of pre-World War II American history, it is my personal hope that we are in fact temporarily holding these items with the greater purpose that someday, someone may be able to properly identify and claim these unique relics of Japanese America.

Although the odds of finding this radio’s original owner are stacked against us, this does not mean that we should throw in the towel in our quest to trace Japanese American history.

In the final installment of this series, I will share an emotional journey eight decades in the works.

* This artifact was included in the recent JANM exhibition “American Tapestry: 25 Stories from the Collection

* Related: listen to Daniel Inouye discuss his memories about the FBI and a radio here.

© 2012 Dean Adachi

artefatos coleções (objetos) comunicação coleção JANM Museu Nacional Nipo-Americano Museu Nacional Nipo-Americano (organização) objetos de museu rádio sociologia telecomunicações Segunda Guerra Mundial
Sobre esta série

Saudações, Descubra Nikkei! Embora todos saibamos que o Descubra Nikkei é um projeto global on-line, você sabia que na verdade ele está sediado no Museu Nacional Nipo-Americano (JANM) em Los Angeles, Califórnia? Para aqueles que nunca tiveram a oportunidade de visitar o JANM (comumente pronunciado ja-num ), eu recomendo fortemente que vocês visitem sempre que estiverem no sul da Califórnia! E para aqueles que estão por perto, deveriam considerar o voluntariado – é definitivamente verdade quando dizem que você pode obter muito mais com isso do que investe!

Nos últimos meses, estive numa “missão especial” no JANM, que felizmente inclui acesso completo à coleção permanente de 80.000 itens do museu. Meu trabalho tem sido traçar o perfil de indivíduos únicos que complicam a “grande narrativa” da história nipo-americana. Idealmente, esta investigação será eventualmente utilizada em futuras exposições públicas no museu. Como historiador e fanático por todas as coisas antigas e nostálgicas, este é o meu caminho.

Nesta série Descubra Nikkei, espero compartilhar algumas dessas histórias mais memoráveis ​​e dar aos leitores do Descubra Nikkei uma visão “dos bastidores” de alguns dos fascinantes recursos primários que o JANM tem em sua coleção permanente. Examinarei alguns exemplos únicos de como a fachada pública da história nipo-americana é criada, registrada e divulgada aqui no JANM. Mas talvez mais importante ainda, tentarei também examinar quão fácil é a história perder-se e quão difícil é encontrá-la.

Confira partes do acervo do museu online >>

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About the Author

Dean Ryuta Adachi é meio yonsei, meio shin-nisei do norte da Califórnia. Atualmente é doutorando em História Americana na Claremont Graduate University e professor de Estudos Asiático-Americanos no Harvey Mudd College. Seus hobbies incluem snowboard, judô, leitura, assistir esportes e voluntariado na comunidade nipo-americana.

Atualizado em outubro de 2011

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