Lorne Spry
@LorneLorne Spry has lived in Japan since 1993 — most of those years in Sendai, Miyagi. He is married with children and teaches as a contracting lecturer in tertiary education. His interests include writing, history, politics, sociology, photography and cycling. Very thankfully, the Fujita/Spry family lived through the Great Northeastern Earthquake without significant damage to their home or loss of loved ones.
Updated April 2012
Stories from This Author
Remembering or Remembrance?: A Year After 3/11, Yuriage, Japan
April 6, 2012 • Lorne Spry
Just over a year ago in the northeast region of Japan known as Tohoku, Japanese as well as ex-patriots from around the globe had their lives changed forever—or died. For some survivors the change was abrupt and catastrophic—lost friends, relatives, wives, husbands, children. Gone were their homes, businesses, work places, careers, farms, school life, oyster beds, vessels of all types and perhaps a peaceful retirement. In some places, an inordinate number of children were swept away along with their grandparents. …
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