Target FREE Family Saturday: Planet Power!

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Community Event

Nov 201112
11:00a.m. - 4:00p.m.

Japanese American National Museum
100 N Central Ave
Los Angeles, California, 90012
United States


Enjoy a day of family fun with kites.


• Go green by decorating a re-usable shopping bag

• Ruthie’s Origami Corner: Using reused paper, fold an origami turkey to celebrate the season.

*Special: Visit literature tables hosted by some of L.A. County’s leading environmental organizations!

Please Note: All workshops are first come, first serve. Please sign up at the membership table when you arrive.

11AM: Recycled puppets drop-in activity. Create your own puppets made from recycled resources including bottles, chopsticks, plastic utensils, cardboard, and other materials (while supplies last)

12PM: Growing green drop-in activity. Kids and families will have the opportunity to grow small plants to take home (while supplies last) 

12PM: Paper Mache Planet Earth workshop. Create and paint your very own planet Earth out of paper mache (limit 20 students) 

1 – 4PM: Kidding Around the Kitchen will help you make your own “Save the Planet” seasonal salad 

1PM: Paper mache planet Earth workshop (limit 20 students) 

1PM: MottainaiTenugui* workshop. Create a colorful tenugui towel of your own (limit 25 students) 

2PM: Special performance! “Order to Go” is a fun show focusing on the environmental impact of single-use take out containers and utensils! 

3PM: Paper mache planet Earth workshop (limit 20 students) 

3PM: Mottainai Tenugui workshop (limit 25 students) 

3:30PM: Learn the “mottainai” dance

*Mottainai—a Japanese term meaning “a sense of regret concerning waste when the intrinsic value of an object or resource is not properly utilized.” 

*Tenugui—a thin Japanese hand towel made of cotton.

For more information, visit

Generously sponsored by Target, these special Saturdays are filled with fun activities giving families unique ways to learn, play, and grow together.


JANM . Última actualización Sep 17, 2011 1:42 p.m.


noviembre 2011


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