Vincent Chin 30: Standing Up Then and Now [NYC Event]

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Community Event

Jun 201223
1:30p.m. - 4:00p.m.

Asian/Asian American Research Institute
25 West 43rd Street, 18th Floor, Rooms C & D
New York, New York, 10036
United States

*doors open at 1:30 pm, event will begin at 2 pm sharp*
Please join us at Asian/Asian American Research Institute (AAARI) for a two-part commemoration of the 30th anniversary of Vincent Chin’s murder, a foundational moment in Asian American/Pacific Islander history that remains relevant today.

During the first hour (2-3pm), we will join 30+ cities in viewing (via Google Hangout) a nationwide panel on hate crimes and bullying, organized by APA for Progress. Panel will feature civil rights leaders from around the country, including: Congresswoman Judy Chu (CA-32), CAIR-SF Executive Director Zahra Billoo, OCA Executive Director Tom Hayashi, Asian American Justice Center Executive Director Mee Moua, and live from our very own location, The Sikh Coalition’s National Director of Programs, Amardeep Singh. Guest-moderated by Phil Yu of Angry Asian Man.

Following the panel, we will continue with our local event (3-4pm) by engaging in discussion and interactive art-making to document the lasting impact of Vincent Chin’s case on the AAPI community. With the help of talented AAPI artists, we will use various artistic media—painting, writing, and film—to create our own unique response to this day and produce lasting cultural artifacts that will continue to breathe life into our activism, bring us together, and move us forward. You do NOT need any artistic experience to participate!

Ed Lin, author (
ManSee Kong, filmmaker (created 2 short films about Pvt. Danny Chen's case:
Kimberly Sarabia, activist

Free. Donations welcome. Refreshments provided.

NYC program co-sponsors: OCA-NY, Chinatown Youth Initiatives (CYI), Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF), National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum- NYC Chapter (NAPAWF) 

For more info on national co-sponsors and participating cities, visit:

For questions about the NYC event, ask here or email




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llan . Última actualización Jun 22, 2012 4:45 p.m.


junio 2012


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