JASC Health Screening Day

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Community Event

Oct 200924
9:00a.m. - 12:00p.m.

4427 N Clark St.
Chicago, Illinois, 60640
United States

Japanese American Service Committee

Saturday, October 24, 2009
4427 N. Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60640

Did you know?
• Asian Americans are at higher risk for several diseases, including tuberculosis, osteoporosis, Hepatitis B, Type 2 diabetes, and cancer.
• Many of these diseases are preventable, but go undetected due to lack of visible symptoms.
• Early detection allows for greater treatment options with higher chances of success.
• Regular screenings ensure that common but serious diseases are prevented, detected and/ or treated at their early stages, and can ultimately save your life. 
Have you been screened?
The Japanese American Service Committee is offering discounted health screenings for anyone over age 18. Basic screenings will test for diabetes, cholesterol levels, liver and kidney function, electrolytes (including potassium and calcium), iron, and blood count.
These tests are a convenient and low-cost alternative to being tested in a doctorÂ’s office, and are a good option for the temporarily unemployed and uninsured.


Available Tests Include:
Basic Screening : $55 JASC/JACL Members, $110 Non-Members
Prostatic Specific Antigen (Prostate Cancer) : $25 JASC/JACL Members, $50 Non-Members
Heliocobactor Pylori-IgG (Stomach Bacteria) : $35 JASC/JACL Members, $60 Non-Members
Glycohemoglobin (Diabetes) : $20 JASC/JACL Members, $35 Non-Members
*For the diabetes test, please fast for 8 hours prior to test for best results.
To reserve your appointment time, call the Japanese American Service Committee at (773) 275-0097 x226 (Kay) or x229 (Sharon) . Please let us know if you are diabetic, and we will try to give you the earliest possible appointment. After making your reservation, please send in your registration form with a check payable to JASC prior to your screening. Your results will be sent directly to you in approximately 2 weeks.



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intrepidmouse . Last modified Jul 09, 2010 12:13 p.m.


October 2009


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