Grand Cosplay Ball

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Performing Arts

Nov 201028

Clapham Grand
St John's Hill, Clapham Junction
London, England, SW11 1TT
United Kingdom

On Sunday, 28th November, cosplayers from around Europe are set to converge on London’s Clapham Grand for the third annual Grand International Cosplay Ball. Held in a converted Victorian theatre, the Grand Cosplay Ball is the only event in the world to combine cosplay performances with circus acts and professional performers!

Originating from Japan, cosplay is the hobby of making eye-popping costumes from your favourite anime and manga characters. The Grand International Cosplay Ball is one of the few events where costumers from many different countries get together and socialise, so expect to see Mario waltzing with Catwoman, or Princess Jasmine boogieing with Superman!

This year’s theme is Arabian Nights, so guests will be treated to bellydancers, a sword performance and an Arabian Bazaar, as well as the usual bands, DJs and ballroom dancing. The Guest of Honour for 2010  Jenni Kallberg from Sweden, famed for her intricate armour and bodysuits based on video games such as Metroid.

So if you love dressing up, or even if you’re just curious (wearing a costume is not compulsory!) why not head down to the Clapham Grand on 28th November for the fancy dress party of your life!

Tickets are available on the website or can be bought from Tokyo Toys store at the Trocadero in Picadilly Circus. A limited number of tickets will be available on the door.



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Orihime . Last modified Nov 10, 2010 7:29 a.m.


November 2010


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