Queer Nikkei Stories: Intergenerational Conversations

  • en

6:30p.m. - 8:00p.m.

What was it like to be gay and Japanese American decades ago? What is it like now? 

Okaeri, JANM, and Visual Communications invite you to listen to and participate in conversations with several generations of LGBTQ+ Japanese Americans as they talk about their experiences at the intersections of these identities. 

Actor and activist George Takei will be in conversation with USC student Justin Kawaguchi; and June Lagmay, a founder of Asian/Pacific Lesbians and Gays, will be in dialogue with Aya Tasaki, a bicultural advocate and organizer. 

The audience will be encouraged to take part in the discussions with their own questions during a Q&A portion. The program will also feature short films created about Takei and Lagmay and their legacies within the API LGTBQ+ community. Please join us for the first digital Okaeri program and be inspired by these four Nikkei who are transforming communities to be more compassionate, safe, and welcoming.

This program is FREE, but RSVPs are required using the link below. You will be emailed links and instructions 24 hours before the program begins in order to join our conversation on Zoom on Thursday, June 18 at 6 p.m. (PDT). Please confirm that the email that you register with is the best way to reach you. Contact publicprograms@janm.org if you have any additional questions or specific access needs.



JANM . 更新日 2020年6月1日




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