Japanese Internment and Angel Island Webinar

  • en

2020年7月11 2020年7月25
2:00p.m. - 2:40p.m.

My name is Marissa Shoji and I'm currently working on my Girl Scout Gold Award project, which is to inform the public on the experiences of the Japanese Americans during WWII and at Angel Island, with the end goal of creating a traveling exhibit for Angel Island.

I'm going to be hosting webinars every Saturday until the end of July describing Japanese American history and what they went through during the war, as well as the role Angel Island played during all of this. The goal is to connect the actions of the past to the multitude of current events that have filled the news recently. We will be looking in detail at the history surrounding Japanese internment and why America was so prejudiced at the time.

It is open to everyone 7th grade and older, parents and grandparents are encouraged to attend (this is for both youth and adults) and if you know anyone who would be interested in attending, please forward this to them. I would like to reach as great an audience as possible, in order to make sure my project has a greater impact and my message reaches more people.

Attached is a flyer with all the information, and if you have any questions, you can reach me at marissa.a.shoji@gmail.com. Please RSVP early to grab those slots!




Marissa . 更新日 2020年7月9日




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