JANM 30th Anniversary Digital Film Festival—Sincerely Miné Okubo

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Film & Other Media

2:00p.m. - 3:30p.m.


Join us virtually for this special screening and Q&A!

Presented in response to the new short film “Sincerely Miné Okubo,” join scholars and family of Miné Okubo for a dynamic discussion on her art, humor, and legacy.

Maymanah Farhat, Phil Tajitsu Nash, Seiko Buckingham, and Miya Franks will explore elements of Okubo’s life that are often overlooked, in conversation with the filmmakers Yuka Murakami and Asuka Lin.

“[Okubo] serves as a perfect example of an artist of color who is defiant and refused to ‘assimilate’ into the white male art world” - Mayamanah Farhat, scholar

“She was a great observer of human nature, her art reflected what was happening in the world at the time” - Seiko Buckingham, Okubo’s niece

“Sincerely Miné Okubo” will be screened during the event and is currently showing in the exhibit, Miné Okubo’s Masterpiece: The Art of Citizen 13660, at the Japanese American National Museum.


This program is the opening of the JANM 30th Anniversary Digital Film Festival (JDFF). The JDFF highlights works produced by the Emmy Award winning Frank H. Watase Media Arts Center through screenings and live Q&A sessions with those involved with the films.

This program is held in conjunction with the exhibition, Miné Okubo’s Masterpiece: The Art of Citizen 13660.


JANM . 更新日 2022年1月27日




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