Navigating With(out) Instruments with traci kato-kiriyama & Clement Hanami

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Performing Arts

2:00p.m. - 3:30p.m.

This program is postponed until further notice. All those who have already RSVPed will be contacted when a new date is set.

Join poet traci kato-kiriyama as they explore their new book Navigating With(out) Instruments. In this dynamic program, guests will travel through the JANM galleries for thematic readings by kato-kiriyama from their book before settling down with Clement Hanami, Art Director and VP of Exhibitions at JANM, for a conversation around their relationship to the museum, community, and creation.

Please note that the first portion of the program will take place in several locations throughout JANM. Guests are also welcome to join only for the second portion of the program which will be seated as well as livestreamed to a virtual audience beginning at 2:45pm. Questions regarding access can be directed to

About the book:

With their second book, Navigating With(out) Instruments, traci kato-kiriyama uses their present—political unrest, family love and loss, her own cancer diagnosis—to bridge the traumas of the past generations with the hope of the future ones. Often seamless, often with a loud bang, kato-kiriyama moves from genre to genre, from poetry to prose, essay to monologue to letters—framed by US colonialism and war mongering alongside the intimate navigation through memory, death, and transformation—to urge readers to protect and to share their legacies, both personal and communal, as a means of global survival.

About the author:

traci kato-kiriyama (they+she) is an award-winning multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary artist, recognized for their work as a writer, performer, theatre deviser, cultural producer, and community organizer. Their recognition & support includes the Art Matters Foundation; the CA State Senate Breaking Silence Award; ONE Archives Pride Publics; and the NEFA National Theatre Project for TALES OF CLAMOR and PULLproject Ensemble. tkk’s writing, commentary and work appears in numerous media and print publications.

Navigating With(out) Instruments is available now in the JANM Store.


JANM . 更新日 2022年5月27日




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